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Live Certificate

awarded to

Tetiana Kalynovska

For her excellent efforts in growing her inner entrepreneur

Start of the pilot: 07-07-22
End of the pilot: 07-08-22
Violetta Shishkina


Completed modules:

Played the
game as:


The startupper players were part of a team and received mentorship possibilities and investment opportunities. They were also able to learn about pitching and startup life in general. Their team leader was responsible for submitting the homework properly and collecting it from everyone.

of Team:


Short description of the concept or composition of this team:

This is a tool that will help you remember how to synchronise with the natural flow of energy. As our very first step, we will balance our mind and body using the correct way of fasting. You will also find a community of like-minded, health - oriented people across the world and can share your experiences! Developed by a neuroscientist with 10+years of spiritual experience

Team Quests:

Pitch, please! Pitchdeck like you mean it
Video pitch: wow an investor and get funded.